Saturday, November 6, 2010

Long week

This week was hard. Whether it was having a bad morning due to not feeling well or running late, or to a bad evening due to any multitude of things, I couldn't just seem to have a good day. I was really getting discouraged. Then today was great. I had one minor issue earlier, but for the most part, today was amazing. I got to babysit three really sweet kids, sleep in, got some cleaning done, helped my dad move our exercise machine back inside so hopefully i'll start working out again. It was just a great day. But get this, tonight, I caught myself complaining. I started coughing and breathing hard and i was fixing to update my facebook status griping about not feeling well. Now granted, this would have been valid, but definitely not necessary. So I stopped, gave it some thought, and realized I had major attitude problems this week. My best friend lost her uncle and I'm being negative about over-sleeping. It's just been a real slap in the face and realization that I haven't been doing very well with keeping a positive attitude. Sorry to anyone this has affected.

Well, i suppose that is all :) time to talk with eric for a while then get some sleep. tomorrow is sunday :D

Thx 4 readin,

Jeremiah 5

One huge thing stood out to me in this passage. In verse one, God says "If you can find but one person who deals honestly and seeks the truth, I will forgive this city." ONE PERSON! You know what that says to me? First, my God truly desires to forgive me, to forgive my family, to forgive my nation, to forgive my world. How amazing! Secondly, my God is unimaginable. Who would ever think to forgive a whole group of people based on the honesty of one person. I can't hardly wrap my mind around that (of course thats how its meant to be. I wouldn't feel too confident about a God I could understand.) Thirdly, ONE PERSON! There are so many stinking people on the planet and this verse is telling me that "I", just one little spec, one little me could make a true difference. What if God, right this second, is looking for ONE person in America, one person "who deals honestly and seeks the truth". Would He see me. Would I be the one who would bring forgiveness to this nation. This really made me stop and think.

Thx 4 readin,

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Jeremiah 4

Verses 1-4 is the Lord offering his conditions for Israel and Judah to return to him. Then the rest of the chapter, I can't quite decipher whether it is actually what happens to them or if it is what will happen to them if they don't accept the conditions and return to the Lord. Maybe the next chapter will reveal more on that information.

Sorry it has been a while since I wrote. I'm kind of bad at the whole habit thing. So here is attempt #2 of doing it every day :)

Hope everyone is having a great week. Monday was great for me but Tuesday and Wednesday, not so much. But I'm up on time and this morning is looking great so I'm determined today will be great! Gotta get ready and get to school now.

Thx 4 readin,

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Jeremiah 3

A good portion of this chapter is spent describing Israel's betrayal of God. The other part is spent describing God's choice to accept the Israelites return to him if they chose to do so. Isn't it amazing that no matter how far we stray from God, he ALWAYS accepts us back and want's to forgive us to put us back to work on HIS plan!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Jeremiah 2

I've decided to read through the book of Jeremiah. I have been looking for something to read during my quiet times that would challenge me. At Promise Keepers, one of the speakers talked about how Jeremiah was a rough book to read and how my favorite verse (29:11) is like the only bit of hope shown in the whole book! So, I'm gonna do it. I read chapter one yesterday and was encouraged by God telling Jeremiah that when he messed, God would be right there to rescue him. God didn't promise Jeremiah that he wouldn't mess up. I love it! I love that my God knows I'm not perfect, no matter how hard I try; I also love that I know He will be there to pick me up when I fail, I just have to give it my best shot.

This morning, I read chapter 2. This chapter is pretty much just God very unhappily speaking of Israel turning away from Him after all He had done for them. Now, we often sit here and criticize the Israelites saying "They had everything going for them and all they had to do was follow Christ and they would be all set, but no, they had to do their own thing and look where it got them." BUT don't we as Christians do the same thing. God helps us out and provides and everything and next thing we know, everything is going great and we get to thinkin, I got this, see I've got a handle on my life without acknowledging God's role in it all. Next thing we know, we're falling back into old habits or ignoring the plan God set before us then we fall flat on our faces and wonder where God is. Funny thing is, He was right there the whole time but we take the steering wheel away from Him and try to do it ourselves!

As far as life goes (I know it's been a while since I've posted), everything is great! I love school. I love my family. I love my boyfriend. I don't love how stinkin far away he is from me but we get to see each other the next three weekends so if I can just survive until Thursday, I should be good to go :) I feel really blessed. I also love my church and my church family. God has blessed me with some really awesome ministry oppurtunities and i'm enjoying every minute of it.

Welp, I need to get to class. Not looking forward to this morning. Some of our classmates missed the memo that we weren't allowed to take our lab supplies (most syringes) home yesterday and it's a really big deal so I'm sure we're gonna hear about it. UGH.

Anyhow.....Thx 4 readin!


Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Summer 2010: Day 2

Well today was successful, eventful, and fantastic! I got to sleep in again. I looked back from yesterday and I was talking about getting my room clean, still isn't done. Not sure what I got distracted by yesterday. Oh well :] I spent most of the day with my bubs. He took me to Johnny Carino's for lunch. After that, we ran lots of errands, mowed two yards, and worked on his truck. I love spending time with him so much! I know that as we both grow into adulthood, that time is going to be more precious and limited. I found out today that I got A's in all my classes. I feel so accomplished :] my GPA stands at 3.7 which I'm okay with. Matt let me drive dad's truck on the way home's a standard. Now I've driven one before but never been good at it. That Maybe more funny than fun. We laughed like the whole time, probably too avoid facing the fact that we could die any moment cuz I stunk at it so bad. But we made it home in one piece and had a great time :] I suppose that's about it. Tomorrow- I need to get some cleaning done, will probably help Matt some more on his truck, and will be going to Jump Zone for our 6th grader welcome party. I'm excited to have new kids in my jr. high group this fall!

Thx for readin!

Monday, May 17, 2010

Summer 2010: Day 1

I'm so relieved that it is finally summertime! I'm enjoying my first day out of class :) I've slept in and now I'm just hanging around the house. Fixing to get my room clean, and get all my school stuff packed away. I get to go sell books back today woohoo!!!! I'm not sure how this summer is going to go. I'm trying to get a job. If I don't get one, I will spend the summer housesitting, babysitting, and having fun with friends :) oh and blogging, hopefully everyday.

off to clean my room

Thx 4 readin: